New Chairman of the Board of Directors of Willy A. Bachofen AG

Muttenz, Switzerland, 24.10.2024
After 16 successful years, we bid farewell to our long-standing Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Martin Hug, who is retiring from his position. Mr. Hug has made a significant contribution to the success and growth of WAB-GROUP through his commitment, far-sightedness, decision-making ability and professionalism.
At the same time, we are pleased to welcome Dr. Christian Hochstrasser as the new Chairman of the Board of Directors. Dr. Hochstrasser has a legal background and is particularly specialized in the areas of contract, corporate and commercial law. We are convinced that Dr. Hochstrasser's outstanding professional experience will make a significant contribution to achieving our vision and strategic goals.
We would like to thank Mr. Hug for his tireless efforts and wish him all the best for the future. We congratulate Dr. Christian Hochstrasser on his new position and wish him every success!